Spicy Beef Opor Curry
Looking for delicious dishes for lunch with delicious and spicy fresh flavors? Well, there are so many delicious recipes from processed meat that you can treat, such as recipe for beef curry, beef opor and many other dishes. The following are beef recipes with delicious spicy pleasures. This dish is easily made at home, because the ingredients and ingredients needed can be found in the market. Well, what is the recipe for making delicious spicy beef, we refer to the following recipe.
Prep time: 25 Mins
Cook time: 35 Mins
Total time: 60 Mins
Yield: 10 Servings
Main Ingredients:
- 700 grams of beef
- 600 ml thick coconut milk
- 1 segment of galangal
- salt to taste
- 1 segment of ginger
- 1 tsp brown sugar, combed
- 1 stick of lemongrass, crushed
- 1 lime leaves
- pepper powder to taste
- sugar to taste
Ingredients are mashed:
- 3 red cayenne pepper
- 4 candlenuts, roasted
- 6 garlic cloves
- 3 red onion cloves
- 4 large red chillies
- 1 turmeric segment, burned
- 1/2 tsp coriander
- butter to taste (for sautéing)
- cooking oil to taste (for frying meat)
- How to Process Beef: The first step can be done by first cutting the prepared beef in the shape of the desired size.
- If the meat has been cut into pieces, now take a meat bat and hit the meat until it is flat. Put the meat into a medium sized container or basin and wash the meat using running water and make sure that the dirt on the meat can be cleaned thoroughly.
- Drain the meat washing water and make sure there is no standing water that is still pooling in the basin.
- After that, give the lime juice to the meat to remove the unpleasant fishy odor.
- After giving the orange juice, now coat the meat with salt and pepper while slowly squeezing the meat, let stand for about 5 minutes to ensure that the spices soak into it.
- Prepare a pan, pour the cooking oil into it and wait for the oil to heat evenly.
- Put the meat into a frying pan and fry the meat until it turns brown evenly.
- When the meat is cooked, remove the meat and drain the oil so that there is no oil that is pooled in the meat.
- How to Process Opor Curry: Prepare a skillet, pour the butter into the pan and wait until the butter becomes more melted and saute the spices that have been mashed into it, stir evenly until the spices smell delicious.
- Add orange leaves, lemongrass, ginger, galangal together with sugar and salt and pepper powder. Stir until evenly distributed until the sauteed herbs become more wilted and cooked.
- Pour thick coconut milk into stir-fry stir well and cook the coconut milk until boiling while stirring constantly. Make sure if the coconut milk you cook is not broken, which will make it look less attractive.
- If the coconut milk has boiled, add the fried meat, stir for a while until the spices soak into the meat and the meat becomes softer.
- When cooked and seasoning is right, please raise the stew and serve this spicy beef opor in the middle of the family and eaten when the opor is still warm will make the taste tastier and more delicious.