Sundubujjigae (Sup Tahu Korea)

Sundubujjigae (Sup Tahu Korea)

2 sticks of dried seaweed, the length of 10-15 cm
2 tbsp fresh anchovies, remove the head
4 leaves of white cabbage, sliced 3 cm
2 pieces of curd Bandung, split 4
1 bud pokchoy mini, remove the strands
2 handfuls of bean sprouts
100 grams of fresh shrimp, peeled, cut back, leaving a tail
2 pieces of fresh squid, small size, cut into 1 cm
2 cloves garlic, geprak, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons spicy red chili powder, cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 small onion, chopped 5 mm
1/2 segment ginger, finely chopped
2 leeks cut into 3 cm
1 liter of water
2 pieces of chicken eggs

How to make:
Boil water, reduce the heat, put dried seaweed. Cook for 3 minutes. Add the anchovies and cook 2 minutes.
Increase heat, add all other ingredients except the egg and chives. Cook 1-2 minutes.
Remove and serve in the Korean hotpot dishes (hotpot dipanasin earlier in the stove, 3 menitan), break a raw egg yolk on it (tar mature jg own), sprinkle with chives, serve hot dg kimchi (if liked).

Bahan bahan:
2 batang rumput laut kering, panjang 10-15 cm
2 sdm teri tawar, buang kepalanya
4 lembar daun sawi putih, iris 3 cm
2 buah tahu susu bandung, belah 4
1 kuntum pokchoy mini, lepaskan helainya
2 genggam tauge
100 gram udang segar, kupas, belah punggung, sisakan ekor
2 buah cumi segar, ukuran kecil, potong 1 cm
2 siung bawang putih, geprak, cincang halus
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm cabe merah pedas bubuk, cayenne pepper
2 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm minyak wijen
1 buah bawang bombay ukuran kecil, rajang 5 mm
1/2 ruas jahe, cincang halus
2 batang daun bawang potong 3 cm
1 liter air
2 buah telur ayam

Cara Membuat:
Didihkan air, kecilkan api, masukkan rumput laut kering. Masak 3 menit. Tambahkan teri, masak 2 menit.
Besarkan api, tambahkan semua bahan lainnya kecuali telur dan daun bawang. Masak 1-2 menit.
Angkat, sajikan di piring hotpot korea (hotpot dipanasin sebelumnya di kompor, 3 menitan), pecahkan kuning telur mentah di atasnya (tar jg matang sendiri), taburi daun bawang, sajikan panas-panas dg kimchi (klo suka).

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