Baked Mac&Ciz with Brocoli, Smoked Turkey and Topped with Breadcrumbs

Baked Mac&Ciz with Brocoli, Smoked Turkey and Topped with Breadcrumbs


1 pot of broccoli mac and CIZ ripe (see more prescribed medications)
4 slices smoked turkey (can be replaced chicken or beef)
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (can skip)
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

How to make

1.Cooking pot Mac and CIZ one prescription. Give extra smoked turkey that has been diced in the final stages. Prepare 2 baking pan loaf. Fill each pan with mac and CIZ is ripe. Preheat the oven to 350'f / 160'c.

2.Prepare the topping ingredients: With menggumakan heatproof bowl, melt butter in microwave for 1 min. Enter the breadcrumbs and cheese and stir until bergerindil. Pour over the mac and CIZ. Give extra sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese on top. Then bake for 15-20 min until the topping is golden and the cheese melted. Lift And serve according to taste.


  1. 1 panci broccoli mac and ciz yang sudah matang (lihat diresep lainnya)
  2. 4 lembar smoked turkey (bisa diganti chicken or beef)
  3. Topping:
  4. 2 sdm butter
  5. 1 cup panko breadcrumbs
  6. 1/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (bisa skip)
  7. 1/4 cup keju parmesan

Cara Membuat

1.Masak one pot Mac and ciz sesuai resep. Beri tambahan smoked turkey yang telah dipotong dadu pada tahap akhir. Siapkan 2 loyang loaf. Isi masing-masing loyang dengan mac and ciz yang sudah matang. Panaskan oven dengan suhu 350'f/160'c.
2.Siapkan bahan topping: Dengan menggumakan mangkok tahan panas, lelehkan butter dengan microwave selama 1 min. Masukkan breadcrumbs dan keju, aduk rata hingga bergerindil. Tuang diatas mac and ciz. Beri tambahan taburan keju cheddar parut diatasnya. Lalu panggang selama 15-20 min sampai topping berwarna keemasan dan keju lumer. Angkat Dan sajikan sesuai selera.

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